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CBSE- Grade 11 Biology Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a sta and If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to science, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class11 Biology.

Some of the topics Covered include :


  1. Living World
  2. Biological Classification
  3. Plant Kingdom
  4. Animal Kingdom
  5. Morphology of Flowering Plants
  6. Anatomy of Flowering Plants
  7. Structural Organisation in Animals
  8. Cell: The Unit of Life
  9. Biomolecules
  10. Cell Cycle And Cell Division
  11. Transport in Plants
  12. Mineral Nutrition
  13. Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
  14. Respiration in Plants
  15. Plant Growth and Development
  16. Digestion and Absorption
  17. Breathing and Exchange of Gases
  18. Body Fluids and Circulation
  19. Excretory Products and Elimination
  20. Locomotion and Movement
  21. Neural Control and Coordination
  22. Chemical Coordination and Integration

1.A. What is living
1.B. Diversity in the living world
1.C. Taxonomic categories
1.D. Taxonomical aids

2.A. Kingdom monera
2.B. Kingdom protista
2.C. Kingdom fungi
2.D. Kingdom Plantae and animalia
2.E. Viruses, viroids and lichens
3.A. Algae,Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperm
3.B. Angiosperm
3.C. Plant life cycle and alternation of generation
4.A. Basis of classification
4.B. Classification of animals: phylum porifera, coelenterata, ctenophora, platyhelminthes
4.C. Phylum aschelminthes, annelida, artheopoda, mollusca, echinodermata, hemichordata
4.D. Phylum-chordata
5.A. The root, the stem
5.B. The leaf
5.C. The infloresence and the flower
5.D. The fruit
5.E. The seed
5.F. Semitechnical description of some flowering plants
5.G. Description of some important fmilies: Febaceae, solanaceae,Liliaceae
6.A. The tissues, the tissue system
6.B. Anatomy of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants
6.C. Secondary growth: Vascular cambium and cork cambium, secondary growth in roots
7.A. Animal tissue: epithelial and connective tissue
7.B. Muscle tissue, neural tissue
7.C. Earthworm
7.D. Cockroach
7.E. Frogs
8.A. Cell theory and overview of cell
8.B. Prokaryotic cells
8.C. Eukaryotic cells:cell membrane and cell wall
8.D. endomembrane system, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, lysosomes, vacuoles
8.E. mitochondria, ribosomes, plastids, microbodies
8.F. cytoskeleton, cilia, flagella, centrioles (ultrastructure and function)
8.G. nucleus
9.A. How to analyse chemical composition
9.B. Primary and secondary metabolites and bio macromolecules
9.C. Polysccharides
9.D. Nucliec acids and structure of proteins
9.E. Nature of bond linking monomers in a polymer
9.F. Dynamic state of body constituents- concept of metabolism
9.G. Metabolic basis for living and living state
9.H. Enzymes: chemical reaction, classification and nomenclature of enzymes and cofactors
9.I. Action and nature of enzyme, Factors affecting enzyme activity
10.A. Cell cycle
10.B. M phase and significance of mitosis
10.C. Mieosis I
10.D. Meiosis II and Significance if Mieosis
11.A. Means of transport
11.B. Plant-water relation
11.C. Long distance transport of water
11.D. Transpiration
11.E. Uptake and transport of mineral nutrients
11.F. Metabolism of nitrogen
12.A. Methods to study the mineral requirements of plants
12.B. Essential mineral elements
12.C. Macronutrient and micronutrient
12.D. Mechanism of absorption of elements and translocation of solutes, Soil as reservoir of essential elements
12.E. Deficiency of nutrients
12.F. Metabolism of nitrogen
13.A. What do we know and early experiments
13.B. Where does photosynthesis take place
13.C. How many pigments are involved in photosynthesis and light reaction
13.D. Electron transport
13.E. Where are the ATP and NADPH used
13.F. The C4 pathway
13.G. Photorespiration
13.H. Factors affecting photosynthesis
14.A. Do plants breathe
14.B. Glycolysis
14.C. Fermentation
14.D. Aerobic respiration: Tricarboxylic acid cycle and electron transport system
14.E. The respiration balance sheet
14.F. Amphibolic pathway
14.G. Respiratory quotient
15.A. Growth, Condition of growth
15.B. Differentiation, dedifferentiation and redifferentiation, Development
15.C. Plant growth regulators: characteristics and discovery of plant growth regulators
15.D. Physiological effects of plant growth regulators
15.E. Photoperiodism
15.F. Vernalisation
16.A. Digestive system: alimentary canal
16.B. Digestive glands and digestion of food
16.C. Absorption of digested products
16.D. Disorders of digestive system
17.A. Respiratory organs
17.B. Mechanism of breathing
17.C. Exchange of gases
17.D. Transport of gases
17.E. Regulation of respiration and disorder of respiratory system
18.A. Blood: plasma and formed elements
18.B. Coagulation of blood
18.C. Blood groups
18.D. Lymph
18.E. Circulatory pathways: human circulatory system
18.F. Cardiac cycle and ECG
18.G. Double circulation
18.F. Regulation of cardiac activity
18.G. Disorders of circulatory system
19.A. Human excretory system
19.B. Urine formation
19.C. Function of tubules
19.D. Mechanism of concentration of filtrate
19.E. Regulation of kidney function
19.F. Micturition
19.G. Role of other organ in excretion
19.H. Disorders of the excretory system
19.I. DIalysis
20.A. Types of movement
20.B. Muscle
20.C. Structure of contractile protein and mechanism of contration
20.D. Skeletal system
20.E. Joints
20.F. Disorders of muscular and skeletal system
21.A. Human neural system
21.B. Neurons as structural and functional unit of neural system: generation and conduction of nerve impulse
21.C. Transmission of impulses
21.D. Central neural system
21.E. Reflex action and reflex arc
21.F. Sensory reception and processing: eye and ear
22.A. Endocrine glands and hormones
22.B. Human endocrine system: hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland
22.C. Parathyroid gland, thymus, adrenal gland, pancreas, testis and ovary
22.D. Role of hormones as messengers and regulators
22.E. Hormones of heart kidney and Gastrointestinal tract
22.F. Mechanism of hormone action
22.G. Disorders of endocrine glands
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CBSE- Grade 11 Maths Syllabus

Maths is a useful and scoring subject for all students. Therefore it is a necessary subject for students to prepare well for.The CBSE board has included this subject in class 11 curriculum so that students have the ability to think and calculate and solve problems without any difficulties.CBSE board strives to give students valuable and informative education with the syllabus that he have carefully constructed. We also provide students with an interesting article with each topic that the students will cover. Thereby helping students get a clear idea and better understand the topic.

It is important for every 11th grade student to know the CBSE class 11 maths syllabus of every subject before starting their preparation for exams.

Some of the topics Covered include :


  1. Sets
  2. Relations and Functions
  3. Trignometric Functions
  4. Principle of Mathematical Induction
  5. Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equation
  6. Linear Inequalities
  7. Permutation and Combination
  8. Binomial Theorem
  9. Sequence and Series
  10. Strainght Lines
  11. Conic Sections
  12. Introduction to 3-D Geometry
  13. Limits and Derrivatives
  14. Mathematical Reasoning
  15. Statistics
  16. Probability

1.A. Sets and their representation
1.B. Types of sets: empty sets, finite and infinite sets, power set, universal set
1.C. Cardinality of sets
1.D. Subset and superset
1.E. Venn diagram
1.F. Operation on sets: union of sets
1.G. Operation on sets: intersection and difference of sets
1.H. Complement of sets
1.I. Practical problems on union and intersection of two sets

2.A. Cartesian product of sets
2.B. Relations
2.C. Function: domain and range
2.D. identity function, constant function and modulus function
2.E. Graphs of polynomial function
2.F. Graphs of rational function
2.G. Algebra of real functions
3.A. Angles
3.B. Trignometric functions
3.C. Domain and range of trignometric functions
3.D. Trignometric function of sum and difference of two angles
3.E. Trignometric equations

4.A. Introduction and motivation
4.B. The principle of mathematical induction
5.A. Algebra of complex numbers
5.B. Modulus and conjugate of complex numbers
5.C. Argand plane and polar representation
5.D. Quadratic equations
5.E. Euler’s formula and De Moivre’s theorem
6.A. Inequalities
6.B. Algebraic solution of linear inequality in one variable and their graphical representation
6.C. Graphical solution of linear inequalities in two variables
6.D. Solution of system of linear inequalities in two variables
7.A. Fundamental principle of counting
7.B. Permutations
7.C. Combinations
8.A. Binomial theorem for positive integral indices
8.B. General and middle term
9.A. Sequences and Series
9.B. Arithmetic progressions
9.C. Geometric progression
9.D. Relationship between Aithmetic mean and geometric mean
9.E. Sum to n terms of special series
10.A. Slope of a line
10.B. Various forms of equation of line
10.C. General equation of line
10.D. Distance of a point form a line
11.A. Sections of cone
11.B. Circle
11.C. Parabola
11.D. Ellipse
11.E. Hyperbola
12.A. Coordinates of point in space
12.B. Distance between two points
12.C. Section formula
13.A. Intuitive idea of derrivative
13.B. limits
13.C. Limits of trignometric function
13.D. Derrivatives
13.E. Algebra of derivative of function
14.A. Introduction
14.B. Statements
14.C. New statements from old
14.D. Special word/phrase
14.E. Implications
14.F. validating statements
14.A. Measures of dispersion and range
14.B. Mean deviation
14.C. mean deviation for ungrouped data
14.D. mean deviation for discrete frequency distribution
14.E. mean deviation for continuous frequency distribution
14.F. Variance and standard deviation
14.G. Shortcut method for finding variance and standard deviation
14.H. Analysis of frequency distribution
14.A. Random experiment
14.B. Event and types of event
14.C. Algebra of event
14.D. Axiomatic approach to probability
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CBSE- Grade 11 Chemistry Syllabus

CBSE chemistry syllabus that covers all the required topics and units in an organized manner. Students from different boards can also visit this syllabus for reference. CBSE board conducts studies and research before modifying and prescribing syllabus for any class and subsequently implements changes time to time. Now download Chemistry syllabus for class 11 and know which are the chapters and units included and eliminated from the previous syllabus.

The list of units in class 11 Chemistry is mentioned below.


  1. Some Basics Concepts of Chemistry
  2. Structure of Atom
  3. Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
  4. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
  5. States of Matter
  6. Thermodynamics
  7. Equilibrium
  8. Redox Reactions
  9. Hydrogen
  10. The s-block Elements
  11. The p- block Elements
  12. Organic Chemistry: Some Basic Principles and Techniques
  13. Hydrocarbons
  14. Environmental Chemistry

1.A. Importance of Chemistry
1.B. Nature of Matter
1.C. Significant figures
1.D. Empirical and molecular formula
1.E. Chemical reactions
1.F. Uncertainty in Measurement
1.G. Laws of Chemical Combinations
1.H. Dalton’s Atomic Theory
1.I. Atomic and Molecular Masses
1.J. Mole concept and molar masses and percentage composition
1.K. Stochiometry and stoichiometric calculation

2.A. Sub-atomic Particles: Discovery of electrons
2.B. Discovery of protons and neutrons
2.C. Charge to mass ratio of electrons
2.D. Miliken’s oil drop experiment
2.E. Atomic Models: Thomsons model of atom
2.F. Rutherfords’ model and limitation
2.G. Atomic number and mass number, isotopes and isobars
2.H. Bohr’s model
2.I. Wave nature of electromagnetic radiation
2.J. Plank’s quantum theory
2.H. Photoelectric effect
2.I. Dual behavior of electromagnetic radiation
2.J. Atomic spectra
2.K. Line spectrum of Hydrogen
2.L. Bohr’s Model for Hydrogen Atom
2.M. Towards Quantum-Mechanical Model of the Atom
2.N. Dual behavior of matter
2.O. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
2.P. Quantum Mechanical Model of Atom
2.Q. Hydrogen atom and Schrodinger equation
2.R. Orbitals and quantum number
2.S. Shapes of atomic orbital
2.T. Energy of atomic orbitals
2.U. Auf Bau’s principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Hund’s rule of
maximum multiplicity

2.V. Electronic configuration of atoms, stability of completely filled and
half filled electrons
3.A. Why do we need to classify elements
3.B. Genesis of periodic classification
3.C. Modern periodic law and the present form of periodic table
3.D. Nomenclature of elements having atomic atoms > 100
3.E. Electronic configuration of elements and the periodic table
3.F. Electronic configuration and type of elements: s,p,d, and f blocks
3.G. Metal non-metals and metalloids
3.H. Periodic trend in properties of elements: atomic radii
3.I. Ionic radius
3.J. Ionisation enthalpy
3.K. Electron gain enthalpy
3.L. Electronegativity
3.M. Valency or oxidation states
3.N. Anamolous property of second group elements
3.O. Periodic trend and chemical reactivity
4.A. Kossel-Lewis approach to chemical bonding
4.B. Octet rule
4.C. Covalent bonding
4.D. Lewis representation of simple molecules
4.E. Formal charge
4.F. Limitation to octet rule
4.G. Ionic or electrovalent bond
4.H. Bond parameters
4.I. Resonance structures
4.J. Polarity of bonds
4.K. VSEPR theory
4.L. Shapes of simple molecules according to VSEPR theory
4.M. Valence bond theory
4.N. Orbital overlap concept
4.O. Type of orbital overlap
4.P. Hybridisation
4.Q. Types of hybridization involving sp,sp2, sp3 and sp3d
4.R. Molecular orbital theory
4.S. Linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO)
4.T. Condition for combination of atomic orbitals
4.U. Bonding in some homonuclear diatomic molecules
4.V. Hydrogen bonding
5.A. Intermolecular forces
5.B. Intermolecular forces vs thermal interactions
5.C. The gaseous state
5.D. Boyle’s law
5.E. Charle’s law
5.F. Gay Lussac law
5.G. Avagadro’s law
5.H. Ideal gas equation
5.I. Dalton’s law of partial pressure
5.J. Kinetic molecular theory of gases
5.K. Behaviour of real gas: Deviation from ideal gas
5.L. Liquifaction of gas
5.M. Liquid state- vapor pressure
5.N. Viscosity and surface tension
6.A. Thermodynamics terms: system of surrounding, types of system,
State of system

6.B. Internal energy as state function, work and heat
6.C. First law of thermodynamics – Application
6.D. Isothermal and free expansion of ideal gas
6.E. Enthalpy
6.F. Extensive and Intensive properties
6.G. Relationship between Cp and Cv for an ideal gas
6.H. Measurement of ΔU and ΔH
6.I. Enthalpy change: Standard enthalpy of reaction
6.J. Enthalpy of bond dissociation, combustion, formation
6.K. Enthalpy of atomization, sublimation, phase transition, solution
6.L. Hess’s law of constant heat summation
6.M. Spontaneity
6.N. Second law of Thermodynamics
6.O. Entropy and spontaneity
6.P. Gibbs energy and spontaneity
6.Q. Gibbs energy change and equilibrium
6.R. Third law of thermodynamics
7.A. Equilibrium in physical processes: solid-liquid equilibrium,
Liquid-vapor equilibrium, Solid vapor equilibrium

7.B. Equilibrium Involving Dissolution of Solid or Gases in Liquids
7.C. General Characteristics of Equilibria Involving Physical Processes
7.D. Equilibrium in Chemical Process: Dynamic Equilibrium
7.E. Law of Chemical Equilibrium and Equilibrium Constant
7.F. Homogeneous Equilibria
7.G. Heterogeneous Equilibria
7.H. Application of Equilibrium Constant: Predicting the extent of reaction
7.I. Prediction of direction of reaction
7.J. Calculating equilibrium concentrations
7.K. Relation between equilibrium constant, reaction constant and
Gibbs energy

7.L. Factors affecting equilibrium
7.M. Factors affecting equilibrium (concentration, inert gas and Pressure)
7.N. Factors affecting equilibrium (catalyst and temperature)
7.O. Le-chatelier principle
7.P. Ionic equilibrium in solution
7.Q. Acids, bases, and salts
7.R. Ionisation of acids and bases
7.S. Acidic strength, concept of pH
7.T. Ionisation of weak acids and bases
7.U. Di and polybasic acids and bases
7.V. Factors affecting acidic strength
7.W. Hydrolysis of salts
7.X. Buffer solution
7.Y. Solubility equilibria of sparingly soluble salts
7.Z. Common ion effect on solubility of ionic salts
8.A. Classical idea of redox reaction- oxidation and reduction reaction
8.B. Redox reaction in term of electron transfer reactions
8.C. Oxidation number
8.D. Types of reactions
8.E. Balancing of redox reaction
8.F. Redox reaction as basis of titration
8.G. Redox reaction and electrode processes
9.A. Position of Hydrogen in periodic table
9.B. Di-hydrogen: Occurrence and isotopes
9.C. Preparation of di-hydrogen
9.D. Properties of di-hydrogen and use
9.E. Hydrides
9.F. Physical and chemical properties of water
9.G. Hard and soft water
9.H. Hydrogen peroxide: Preparation and physical and chemical properties
9.I. Hydrogen peroxide: Structure and uses
9.J. Heavy water
9.K. Hydrogen as fuel
10.A. Group 1 elements: Alkali metals
10.B. Physical and chemical properties of alkali metals
10.C. General characteristics of compounds of alkali metals
10.D. Diagonal relationship
10.E. Anomalous properties of lithium and beryllium
10.F. Some important compounds of sodium: sodium carbonate
10.G. Sodium chloride
10.H. Sodium hydroxide
10.I. Sodium hydrocarbonate
10.J. Biological importance of sodium and potassium
10.K. Group 2 element : Alkaline earth metals
10.L. Chemical properties of group 2 elements and uses
10.M. General characteristics of compounds of alkaline earth metals
10.N. Some important compounds of calcium: Calcium oxide, calcium

10.O. Calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate
10.P. Biological importance of magnesium and calcium
11.A. Group 13 elements: boron family: electronic configuration, atomic
radii, electronegativity, ionization enthalpy

11.B. Physical properties and chemical properties of boron family
11.C. Important trends and anomalous properties of boron
11.D. Some important compound of boron: Borax, orthoboric acid, dibornae
11.E. Uses of boron and aluminium and their compounds
11.F. Group 14 elements: carbon family: electronic configuration, covalent
radii, electronegativity, ionisation enthalpy

11.G. Physical and chemical properties of carbon family
11.H. Important trends and anomalous behavior of carbon
11.I. Allotropes of carbon
11.J. Some important compound of carbon and silicon: Carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide

11.K. Silicon dioxide, silicones, silicates and zeolites
12.A. General Introduction
12.B. Tetravalence of carbon: Shapes of organic compound
12.C. “Structural representation of organic compounds: Complete,
Condensed and Bond-line, Structural Formulas, Three-Dimensional Representation of Organic molecules”

12.D. Classification of organic compound
12.E. Nomenclature of organic compounds: Nomenclature of alkanes
12.F. Nomenclature of organic compounds having functional group
12.G. Nomenclature of substituted benzene compound
12.H. Isomerism
12.I. Fundamental concepts of organic reactions mechanism
12.J. Nucleophiles and electrophiles, electron movement in organic reactions
12.K. Inductive effect
12.L. Resonance structures and resonance effect
12.M. Electromeric effect and hyperconjugation
12.N. Method of purification of organic compounds: Sublimation,crystallization, distillation
12.O. Differential extraction and chromatography
12.P. Qualitative analysis of organic compounds: detection of carbon and hydrogen, test for nitrogen
12.Q. Test for sulphur, halogen and phosphorus
12.R. Quantitative analysis for carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen
12.S. Quantitative analysis for Halogen, sulphur, phosphorus and oxygen
13.A. Classification
13.B. Nomenclature of alkenes, alkanes and alkynes
13.C. Alkanes: Isomerism
13.D. Preparation of alkanes
13.E. Physical and chemical properties of alkanes
13.F. Combustion
13.G. Pyrolysis
13.H. Conformations
13.I. Alkenes: structure of double bond and isomerism
13.J. Preparation of alkenes
13.K. Physical and chemical properties of alkenes
13.L. Mechanism of antimarkovnikov addition
13.M. Mechanism of Markovnikov addition and oxidation
13.N. Ozonolysis
13.O. Alkynes: isomerism, structure of triple bond
13.P. Preparation of alkynes
13.Q. Physical properties of alkynes
13.R. Acidity of alkynes
13.S. Addition reaction and polymerisation
13.T. Aromatic compound: Nomenclature
13.U. Isomerism, structure of benzene
13.V. Resonance, aromaticity and stability of benzene
13.W. Preparation of benzene
13.X. Physical and chemical properties of benzene
13.Y. Mechanism of electrophilic substitution reaction
13.Z. Friedel Crtaft’s alkylation and caylation reaction
13.Z1. Directive influence of functional group in monosubstituted benzene
13.Z2. Carcenoginicty and toxicity
14.A. Environmental pollution
14.B. Atmospheirc pollution (tropospheric pollution): Gaseous pollutants,particulate pollutants
14.C. Global warming and greenhouse effect
14.D. Acid rain
14.E. Ozone hole
14.F. Water pollution: causes
14.G. International standard for drinking water
14.H. Soil pollution
14.I. Industrial waste
14.J. Strategies to control environmental pollution
14.K. Green chemistry introduction and application in day to day life
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CBSE- Grade 11 Physics Syllabus

CBSE is a well known and reputed board and provides standard education to all the students by imparting comprehensive syllabus in appropriate manner. Colscol Expert Teacher Team teach you online syllabus for class 11 Physics subject, designed after a proper study and research. Class 11 Physics syllabus is helpful as it provides adequate knowledge on concerned topics and units specified in the syllabus. The class 11 syllabus is available online and can be downloaded in any format easily

CBSE is also known for its flexible and well framed syllabus patterns that can be adapted by any kind of students of different potentials, and give every chance to score well in class 11 exams.


  1. Physical World
  2. Work, Energy and Power
  3. Thermal Properties of Matter
  4. Units and Measurement
  5. System of Particles and Rotational Motion
  6. Thermodynamics
  7. Motion in a Straight Line
  8. Motion in a Plane
  9. Kinetic Theory
  10. Gravitation
  11. Laws of Motion
  12. Oscillation
  13. Mechanical Properties of Solids
  14. Waves
  15. Mechanical Properties of Fluids

1.A. What is Physics?
1.B. Scope and excitement of Physics
1.C. Physics technology and society
1.D. Fundamental forces in nature
1.E. Nature of Physical laws

2.A. The Scalar product
2.B. Work
2.C. Kinetic energy
2.D. Work done by a variable force
2.E. Work energy theorem for variable force
2.F. Concept of potential energy
2.G. Conservation of mechanical energy
2.H. Vertical circular motion
2.I. Potential energy of spring
2.J. Various forms of energy
2.H. Law of conservation of energy
2.I. Power
2.J. Collisions: In one dimension and two dimension (elastic and non elastic)
3.A. Temperature and heat
3.B. Measurement of temperature
3.C. Ideal gas equation and absolute temperature
3.D. Thermal expansion
3.E. Specific heat capacity
3.F. Calorimetry
3.G. Change of state: boiling point
3.H. Change of state: melting point
3.I. Latent heat
3.J. Heat transfer: Conduction
3.K. Convection
3.L. Radiation
3.M. Black Body and Black Body Radiation
3.N. Black Body Radiation – Wein’s displacement Law
3.O. Black Body Radiation: Stefan Boltzmann law
3.P. Newton’s law of cooling
4.A. Introduction to International system of units
4.B. Measurement of length
4.C. Measurement of mass
4.D. Measurement of time
4.E. Accuracy and precision of measurements and errors in measurement
4.F. Absolute error, relative error and percentage error
4.G. Combination of errors
4.H. Significant figures
4.I. Dimension of physical quantity, dimension formula and equation
4.J. Dimensional analysis and application
5.A. What kind of a motion can a rigid body have
5.B. Center of mass
5.C. Motion of center of mass
5.D. Linear momentum of system of particle
5.E. Vector product of two vectors
5.F. Angular velocity and its relation with linear velocity
5.G. Torque
5.H. Angular momentum
5.I. Torque and angular momentum of system, law of conservation of angular momentum
5.J. Equilibrium of rigid body
5.K. Moment of inertia
5.L. Theorems of perpendicular and parallel axes
5.M. Kinematics of rotational motion around a fixed axis
5.N. Dynamics of rotational motion about a fixed axis
5.O. Angular momentum in case of rotation about fixed axis
5.P. Rolling motion
6.A. Thermal equilibrium and Zeroth law of thermodynamics
6.B. Heat, energy and work
6.C. First law of thermodynamics
6.D. Thermodynamic state variable and equation of state
6.E. Thermodynamic process
6.F. Heat engines
6.G. Refrigerator and heat pump
6.H. Second law of thermodynamics
6.I. Reversible and irreversible processes
6.J. Carnot’s engine
7.A. Position, path length and displacement
7.B. Average velocity and average
7.C. Instantaneous velocity and speed
7.D. Acceleration
7.E. Uniformly accelerated motion
7.F. Relative velocity
8.A. Scalars and Vectors
8.B. Position and displacement vectors
8.C. Equality of vectors
8.D. Multiplication of vector by real number
8.E. Addition and subtraction of vector: graphical method
8.F. Resolution of vectors
8.G. Vector addition- analytical method
8.H. Vector and scalar product
8.I. Motion in a plane with constant acceleration
8.J. Relative velocity in two dimension
8.K. Projectile motion
8.L. Uniform circular motion
9.A. Molecular nature of matter
9.B. Behavior of gases
9.C. Kinetic theory of gases: Assumptions
9.D. Kinetic theory of an ideal gas: Pressure of an ideal gas
9.E. Kinetic interpretation of temperature
9.F. Law of equi-partition of energy
9.G. Avogadro’s constant
9.H. Mean free path
10.A. Kepler’s law
10.B. Universal law of gravitation
10.C. The gravitational constant
10.D. Acceleration due to gravity of earth
10.E. Acceleration due to gravity above and below the earths surface
10.F. Gravitational potential energy
10.G. Escape speed
10.H. Earth satellite
10.I. Energy of an orbiting satellite
10.J. Weightlessness
11.A. Aristotle Fallacy
11.B. Law of inertia
11.C. Newton’s first law of motion
11.D. Newton’s second law of motion and momentum
11.E. Newton’s third law of motion
11.F. Conservation of momentum
11.G. Equilibrium of a particle
11.H. Static and kinetic friction
11.I. Law of friction
11.J. Rolling friction
11.K. Circular motion
11.L. Solving problems in mechanics
12.A. Periodic and oscillatory motion
12.B. Simple harmonic motion
12.C. Simple harmonic motion and uniform circular motion
12.D. Velocity and acceleration in simple harmonic motion
12.E. Force law for simple harmonic motion
12.F. Energy in simple harmonic motion
12.G. Some systems executing simple harmonic motion: oscillation due to spring
12.H. The simple pendulum
12.I. Damped simple harmonic motion
12.J. Forced oscillation and resonance
13.A. Elastic behavior of solids
13.B. Stress and strain
13.C. Hooke’s law and the stress strain curve
13.D. Elastic moduli: Young’s modulus
13.E. Shear modulus
13.F. Bulk modulus
13.G. Elastic energy
13.H. Application of elastic behavior of materials
14.A. Transverse and longitudinal waves
14.B. Displacement relation in a progressive wave
14.C. Period angular frequency and frequency
14.D. Speed of travelling wave
14.E. Principle of superposition of waves
14.F. Reflection of waves
14.G. Standing waves and normal modes
14.H. Beats
14.I. Doppler effect
15.A. Pressure
15.B. Pascal’s law, variation of pressure with depth
15.C. Atmospheric pressure and Gauge pressure
15.D. Hydraulic machines
15.E. Streamline flow
15.F. Bernouli’s principle
15.G. Speed of efflux, Venturimeter
15.H. Dynamic lift
15.I.  Viscosity
15.J. Reynold’s number
15.K. Surface tension
15.L. Surface energy
15.M. Pressure in drop and bubbles, Capillary rise
15.N. Detergents and surface tension
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CBSE-Grade 11 Accountancy Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Accounts, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 11 Accountancy.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Financial Statements – I
    2. Financial Statements – II
    3. Accounts from Incomplete Records
    4. Applications of Computers in Accounting
    5. Computerised Accounting System

1.A. Stakeholders and their Information Requirements
1.B. Distinction between Capital and Revenue
1.C. Financial Statements
1.D. Trading and Profit and Loss Account
1.E. Operating Profit (EBIT)
1.F. Balance Sheet
1.G. Opening Entry

2.A. Need for Adjustments
2.B. Closing Stock
2.C. Outstanding Expenses
2.D. Prepaid Expenses
2.E. Accrued Income
2.F. Income Received in Advance
2.G. Depreciation
2.H. Bad Debts
2.I. Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts
2.J. Provision for Discount on Debtors
2.K. Manager’s Commission
2.L. Interest on Capital
3.A. Meaning of Incomplete Records
3.B. Reasons of Incompleteness and Its Limitations
3.C. Ascertainment of Profit or Loss
3.D. Preparing Trading and Profit and Loss Account and the Balance Sheet
4.A. Meaning and Elements of Computer System
4.B. Capabilities of Computer System
4.C. Limitations of a Computer System
4.D. Components of Computer
4.E. Evolution of Computerised Accounting
4.F. Features of Computerised Accounting System
4.G. Management Information System and Accounting Information System
5.A. Concept of Computerised Accounting System
5.B. Comparison between Manual and Computerised Accounting
5.C. Advantages of Computerised Accounting System
5.D. Limitations of Computerised Accounting System
5.E. Sourcing of Accounting Software
5.F. Generic Considerations before Sourcing an Accounting Software
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CBSE-Grade 11 Financial Accounts Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Accounts, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 11 Financial Accounts.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Introduction to Accounting
    2. Theory Base of Accounting
    3. Recording of Transactions-I
    4. Recording of Transactions-II
    5. Bank Reconciliation Statement
    6. Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors
    7. Depreciation, Provisions and Reserves
    8. Bill of Exchange

1.A. Meaning of Accounting
1.B. Accounting as a Source of Information
1.C. Objectives of Accounting
1.D. Role of Accounting
1.E. Basic Terms in Accounting

2.A. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
2.B. Basic Accounting Concepts
2.C. Systems of Accounting
2.D. Basis of Accounting
2.E. Accounting Standards

3.A. Business Transactions and Source Document
3.B. Accounting Equation
3.C. Using Debit and Credit
3.D. Books of Original Entry
3.E. The Ledger
3.F. Posting from Journal

4.A. Cash Book
4.B. Purchases (Journal) Book
4.C. Purchases Return (Journal) Book
4.D. Sales (Journal) Book
4.E. Sales Return (Journal) Book
4.F. Journal Proper
4.G. Balancing the Accounts

5.A. Need for Reconciliation
5.B. Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement

6.A. Meaning of Trial Balance
6.B. Objectives of Preparing the Trial Balance
6.C. Preparation of Trial Balance
6.D. Significance of Agreement of Trial Balance
6.E. Searching of Errors
6.F. Rectification of Errors

7.A. Depreciation
7.B. Depreciation and other Similar Terms
7.C. Causes of Depreciation
7.D. Need for Depreciation
7.E. Factors Affecting the Amount of Depreciation
7.F. Methods of Calculating Depreciation Amount
7.G. Straight Line Method and Written Down Method : A Comparative Analysis
7.H. Methods of Recording Depreciation
7.I. Disposal of Asset
7.J. Effect of any Addition or Extension to the E11sting Asset
7.K. Provisions
7.L. Reserves
7.M. Secret Reserve

8.A. Meaning of Bill of Exchange
8.B. Promissory Note
8.C. Advantages of Bill of Exchange
8.D. Maturity of Bill
8.E. Discounting of Bill
8.F. Endorsement of Bill
8.G. Accounting Treatment
8.H. Dishonour of a Bill
8.I. Renewal of the Bill
8.J. Retiring of the Bill