We provides you complete study material along with CBSE class 10 Chemistry Syllabus along with sample papers, covering all the updated units and chapters in a structured manner. Students searching for new topics and chapters can find everything in the official website and download the file in any format. Knowing the syllabus especially for class 10 board exam is equally important as exam preparation, since you get to know which are the units and chapters carry maximum marks and require to spend more time. Now download chemistry syllabus and know the current list of units and chapters along with the topics eliminated if any from the previous syllabus.
The CBSE board is known for its standard principles in framing the syllabus and when it comes to class 10 board exams, special care is taken for the student’s performance and future. The syllabus is designed based on flexibility so that it can be adapted by any kind of student based on different potentials and capabilities.
The list of units in class 10 Chemistry is mentioned below.
- Chemical Reactions and Equations
- Acid, Bases and Salts
- Metal and Non-metals
- Carbon and its Compounds
- Periodic Classification of Elements
- Our Environment
1.A. Chemical equation
1.B. Balancing chemical equation
1.C. Types of chemical reactions combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement
1.D. Precipitation, neutralization, oxidation and reduction
2.B. What do all acids and bases have in common
2.C. How strong are acids or base solution. Importance of pH in everyday life
2.D. Salts
2.E. Preparation and uses of sodium hydroxide, Bleaching powder
2.F. Baking soda, Washing soda and Plaster of Paris
3.B. Reactivity series
3.C. How do metals and non metals react
3.D. Occurrence of metals
3.E. Corrosion and its prevention
4.B. Versatile nature of carbon
4.C. Saturated and unsaturated compounds, chain, branches and rings
4.D. Homologous series
4.E. Nomenclature of carbon compounds
4.F. Chemical properties of carbon compounds (combustion)
4.G. Chemical properties of carbon compounds ( oxidation, addition and substitution reaction)
4.H. Properties and reactions of Ethanol
4.I. Properties and reactions of Ethanoic acids
4.J. Soaps and Detergents
5.B. Mendeleev’s periodic table
5.C. Modern periodic table
5.D. Trends in modern periodic table
5.E. Periodic properties of elements
5.F. Electro-negativity of element
6.B. Ecosystem: what are its components
6.C. How do our activities affect environment