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CBSE-Grade 12 BFM Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Business Studies, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 12 BFM- Business Financial Management.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Financial Management
    2. Financial Markets
    3. Marketing
    4. Consumer Protection

1.A. Meaning of Business Finance
1.B. Describe Financial Management
1.C. Financial Management in our Enterprise
1.D. Meaning of Capital Structure

1.E. Choice of an Appropriate Capital Structure

1.F. Meaning of Fixed Capital and Working Capital

1.G. Affecting the Requirement of Fixed And Working Capital

2.A. Meaning of Financial Market
2.B. Meaning of Money Market and Instruments
2.C. Nature and types of Capital Market

2.D. Between Money Market and Capital Market

2.E. Meaning and functions of Stock Exchange

2.F. Functioning of NSEI and OTCEI

2.G. Role of SEBI in investor protection

3.A. Meaning of ‘Marketing’
3.B. Between ‘ M A R K E T I N G ’ and ‘Selling’
3.C. List out Important Functions of Marketing
3.D. Role of Marketing in the Development Economy in a Firm

3.E. Elements of Marketing-mix

3.F. Classify Products into Different Categories

3.G. Factors Affecting Price of a Product

3.H. Types of Channels of Distribution

3.I. Tools of Promotion

4.A. Importance of consumer protection
4.B. legal framework for consumer protection in India
4.C. Describe Consumer Rights in India
4.D. List out Consumer Responsibilities
4.E. Ways and Means of Consumer Protection

4.F. Role of Consumer Organisations and NGO’s

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CBSE-Grade 11 BFM Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Business Studies, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 11 BFM- Business Financial Management.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Business Services
    2. Emerging Modes of Business
    3. Formation of a Company
    4. Sources of Business Finance
    5. Internal Trade
    6. International Business

1.A. Characteristics Of Services
1.B. Distinguish Services From Goods
1.C. Types Of Business Services
1.D. Concept Of E-banking

1.E. Types Of Insurance Policies

1.F. Types Of Warehouses

2.A. Meaning Of E-business
2.B. Process Of Online Buying And Selling in E-business
2.C. Distinguish E-business From Traditional Business

2.D. Benefits Of Switching Over To Electronic Mode

2.E. Requirements For A Firm’s Into E-business

2.F. Major Security Concerns Of Electronic Mode

2.G. Need For Business Process Outsourcing

3.A. Stages In The Formation Of A Company
3.B. Steps Involved In Each Stage Of Company Formation
3.C. Required Documents To The Registrar Of Companies
3.D. Certificate Of Incorporation And Commence Business

4.A. Meaning, Nature And Importance Of Business Finance
4.B. Sources Of Business Finance
4.C. Merits And Limitations Sources Of Finance
4.D. The International Sources Of Finance
4.E. Factors Source Of Finance

5.A. Types Of Internal Trade
5.B. Services Of Wholesalers To Manufactures And Retailers
5.C. Small Scale And Large Scale Retailers
5.D. Role Of Chambers Of Commerce And Industry

5.E. Officiate Implementation Of Gst

6.A. Meaning Of International Business
6.B. Distinguish Between Internal And International Business
6.C. Scope Of International Business
6.D. Benefits Of International Business

6.E. Documents Required For Import And Export Transactions

6.F. Incentives And Schemes Available For International Firms

6.G. Promotion Of International Business

6.H. Promotion Of International Trade And Development

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CBSE-Grade 12 Macro Economics Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Economics, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 12 Macro Economics.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Introduction
    2. National Income Accounting
    3. Money And Banking
    4. Determination Of Income And Employment
    5. Government Budget And The Maeconomy
    6. Open Maeconomy Macromaeconomics

1.A. Emergence Of Macroeconomics
1.B. Context Of The Present Book Of Macroeconomics

2.A. Some Basic Concepts Of Macroeconomics
2.B. Circular Flow Of Income And Methods Of Calculating National Income
2.C. Some Macroeconomic Identities
2.D. Nominal And Real Gdp

2.E. Gdp And Welfare

3.A. Functions Of Money
3.B. Demand For Money And Supply Of Money
3.C. Money Creation By Banking System
3.D. Policy Tools To Control Money Supply

4.A. Aggregate Demand And Its Components
4.B. Determination Of Income In Two-sector Model
4.C. Determination Of Equilibrium Income In The Short Run
4.D. Some More Concepts

5.A. Government Budget – Meaning And Its Components
5.B. Balanced, Surplus And Deficit Budget

6.A. The Balance Of Payments
6.B. The Foreign Exchange Market

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CBSE-Grade 12 Micro Economics Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Economics, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 12 Micro Economics.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Introduction
    2. Theory Of Consumer Behaviour
    3. Production And Costs
    4. The Theory Of The Firm Under Perfect Competition
    5. Market Equilibrium
    6. Non-competitive Markets

1.A. A Simple Economy
1.B. Central Problems Of An Economy
1.C. Organisation Of Economic Activities
1.D. Positive And Normative Economics

1.E. Microeconomics And Macroeconomics

1.F. Plan Of The Book

2.A. Utility
2.B. The Consumer’s Budget
2.C. Optimal Choice Of The Consumer
2.D. Demand

2.E. Market Demand

2.F. Elasticity Of Demand

3.A. Production Function
3.B. The Short Run And The Long Run
3.C. Total Product, Average Product And Marginal Product
3.D. The Law Of Diminishing Marginal Product And The Law Of Variable Proportions

3.E. Shapes Of Total Product, Marginal Product And Average Product Curves

3.F. Returns To Scal

3.G. Costs

4.A. Perfect Competition: Defining Features
4.B. Revenue
4.C.Profit Maximisation
4.D. Supply Curve Of A Firm

4.E. Determinants Of A Firm’s Supply Curve

4.F. Market Supply Curve

4.G. Price Elasticity Of Supply

5.A. Equilibrium, Excess Demand, Excess Supply
5.B. Applications

6.A. Simple Monopoly In The Commodity Market
6.B. Other Non-perfectly Competitive Markets

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CBSE-Grade 12 Psychology Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Psychology, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 12 Psychology.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Variations in Psychological Attributes
    2. Self and Personality
    3. Meeting Life Challenges
    4. Psychological Disorders
    5. Therapeutic Approaches
    6. Attitude and Social Cognition
    7. Social Influence and Group Processes
    8. Psychology and Life
    9. Developing Psychological Skills

1.A. Individual Differences in Human Functioning
1.B. Assessment of Psychological Attributes
1.C. Intelligence
1.D. Theories of Intelligence

1.E. Individual Differences in Intelligence

1.F. Culture and Intelligence

1.G. Emotional Intelligence

1.H. Special Abilities

1.I. Creativity

2.A. Self and Personality
2.B. Concept of Self
2.C. Cognitive and Behavioural Aspects of Self
2.D. Culture and Self

2.E. Concept of Personality

2.F. Major Approaches to the Study of Personality

2.G. Assessment of Personality

3.A. Nature, Types and Sources of Stress
3.B. Effects of Stress on Psychological Functioning and Health
3.C. Coping with Stress
3.D. Promoting Positive Health and Well-being

4.A. Concepts of Abnormality and Psychological Disorders
4.B. Classification of Psychological Disorders
4.C. Factors Underlying Abnormal Behaviour
4.D. Major Psychological Disorders

5.A. Nature and Process of Psychotherapy
5.B. Type of Therapies
5.C. Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill

6.A. Explaining Social Behaviour
6.B. Nature and Components of Attitudes
6.C. Attitude Formation and Change
6.D. Prejudice and Discrimination
6.E. Strategies for Handling Prejudice

6.F. Social Cognition

6.G. Schemas and Stereotypes

6.H. Impression Formation and Explaining

6.I. Impression Formation and Explaining

6.J. Behaviour of Others through Attributions

6.K. Behaviour in the Presence of Others

6.L. Pro-social Behaviour

7.A. Nature and Formation of Groups
7.B. Type of Groups
7.C. Influence of Group on Individual Behaviour
7.D. Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
7.E. Cooperation and Competition

7.F. Social Identity

7.G. Intergroup Conflict : Nature and Causes

7.H. Conflict Resolution Strategies

8.A. Human-Environment Relationship
8.B. Environmental Effects on Human Behaviour
8.C. Promoting Pro-environmental Behaviour
8.D. Psychology and Social Concerns

9.A. Developing as an Effective Psychologist
9.B. General Skills
9.C. Observational Skills
9.D. Specific Skills

9.E. Interviewing Skills

9.F. Counselling Skills

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CBSE-Grade 12 Computerised Accounting System

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Accounts, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 12 Computerised Accounting System.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Overview of Computerised Accounting System
    2. Spreadsheet
    3. Use Of Spreadsheet In Bussiness Application
    4. Graphs And Charts For Bussiness Data
    5. Data Base Management System For Accounting

1.A. Computerised Accounting System
1.B. Components of CAS
1.C. Salient Features of CAS
1.D. Grouping of Accounts

1.E. Using Software of CAS

1.F. Advantages of CAS

1.G. Limitations of CAS

1.H. Accounting Information System (AIS)

2.A. Basic Concepts of Spreadsheet
2.B. Data Entry, Text Management and Cell Formatting
2.C. Data Formatting
2.D. Output Reports

2.E. Preparation of Reports Using Pivot Table

2.F. Common Errors (Messages) in Spreadsheet

3.A. Payroll Accounting
3.B. Asset Accounting
3.C. Loan Repayment Schedule

4.A. Graphs and Charts
4.B. Basics Steps for Graphs/Charts/Diagrams Using Excel
4.C. Advantages in Using Graph/Chart

5.A. Understanding and Defining the Database Requirement
5.B. Identification of Data to be Stored in Tables
5.C. Logical Structuring of Data in Tables
5.D. Creating Database Tables in Microsoft Access
5.E. Creation of Query in Microsoft Access

5.F. Creation of Forms in Microsoft Access

5.G. Creation of Reports in Microsoft Access

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CBSE-Grade 12 Financial Accounts Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Accounts, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 12 Financial Accounts.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Accounting for Share Capital
    2. Issue and Redemption of Debentures
    3. Financial Statements of a Company
    4. Analysis of Financial Statements
    5. Accounting Ratios
    6. Cash Flow Statement

1.A. Features of a Company
1.B. Kinds of Companies
1.C. Share Capital of a Company
1.D. Nature and Classes of Shares

1.E. Issue of Shares

1.F. Accounting Treatment

1.G. Forfeiture of Shares

2.A. Meaning of Debentures
2.B. Distinction between Shares and Debentures
2.C. Types of Debentures
2.D. Issue of Debentures

2.E. Over Subscription

2.F. Issue of Debentures for Consideration other than Cash

2.G. Issue of Debentures as a Collateral Security

2.H. Terms of Issue of Debentures

2.I. Interest on Debentures

2.J. Writing off Discount/Loss on Issue of Debentures

2.K. Redemption of Debentures

2.L. Redemption by Payment in Lump Sum

2.M. Redemption by Purchase in Open Market

2.N. Redemption by Conversion

3.A. Meaning of Financial Statements
3.B. Nature of Financial Statements
3.C. Objectives of Financial Statements
3.D. Types of Financial Statements

3.E. Uses and Importance of Financial Statements

3.F. Limitations of Financial Statements

4.A. Meaning of Analysis of Financial Statements
4.B. Significance of Analysis of Financial Statements
4.C. Objectives of Analysis of Financial Statements
4.D. Tools of Analysis of Financial Statements
4.E. Comparative Statements

4.F. Common Size Statement

4.G. Limitations of Financial Analysis

5.A. Meaning of Accounting Ratios
5.B. Objectives of Ratio Analysis
5.C. Advantages of Ratio Analysis
5.D. Limitations of Ratio Analysis
5.E. Types of Ratios

5.F. Liquidity Ratios

5.G. Solvency Ratios

5.H. Activity (or Turnover) Ratio

5.I. Profitability Ratios

6.A. Objectives of Cash Flow Statement
6.B. Benefits of Cash Flow Statement
6.C. Cash and Cash Equivalents
6.D. Cash Flows
6.E. Classification of Activities for the Preparation of Cash Flow Statement

6.F. Ascertaining Cash Flow from Operating Activities

6.G. Ascertainment of Cash Flow from Investing and Financing Activities

6.H. Preparation of Cash Flow Statement

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CBSE-Grade 12 Accountancy Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Accounts, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 12 Accountancy.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisation
    2. Accounting for Partnership : Basic Concepts
    3. Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Admission 112 of a Partner
    4. Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Retirement/Death of a Partner
    5. Dissolution of Partnership Firm

1.A. Meaning and Characteristics of Not-for-Profit Organisation
1.B. Accounting Records of Not-for-Profit Organisations
1.C. Receipt and Payment Account
1.D. Income and Expenditure Account

1.E. Balance Sheet

1.F. Some Peculiar Items

1.G. Income and Expenditure Account based on Trial Balance

2.A. Nature of Partnership
2.B. Partnership Deed
2.C. Special Aspects of Partnership Accounts
2.D. Maintenance of Capital Accounts of Partners

2.E. Distribution of Profit among Partners

2.F. Guarantee of Profit to a Partner

2.G. Past Adjustments

2.H. Final Accounts

3.A. Modes of Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm
3.B. Admission of a New Partner
3.C. New Profit Sharing Ratio
3.D. Sacrificing Ratio

3.E. Goodwill

3.F. Adjustment for Accumulated Profits and Losses

3.G. Revaluation of Assets and Reassessment of Liabilities

3.H. Adjustment of Capitals

3.I. Change in Profit Sharing Ratio among the Existing Partners

4.A. Ascertaining the Amount Due to Retiring/Deceased Partner
4.B. New Profit Sharing Ratio
4.C. Gaining Ratio
4.D. Treatment of Goodwill
4.E. Adjustment for Revaluation of Assets and Liabilities

4.F. Adjustment of Accumulated Profits and Losses

4.G. Disposal of Amount Due to Retiring Partner

4.H. Adjustment of Partners’ Capitals

4.I. Death of a Partner

5.A. Dissolution of Partnership
5.B. Dissolution of a Firm
5.C. Settlement of Accounts
5.D. Accounting Treatment

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CBSE-Grade 11 POM Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Business Studies, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 11 POM- Principles & Functions of Management.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Business, Trade and Commerce
    2. Forms of Business Organisation
    3. Private, Public and Global Enterprises
    4. Social Responsibilities of Business and Business Ethics
    5. Small Business and Entrepreneurship

1.A. Development of Trade and Commerce
1.B. Role Banking System
1.C. Concept and Objectives of Business
1.D. Types of Industries

1.E. Activities Relating to Commerce

1.F. Business Risks and Causes

1.G. Basic factors While Starting a Business

2.A. Forms of Business Organisation
2.B. Features, Merits and Limitations of Business Organisations
2.C. Distinguish between various forms of organisations
3.A. Concept and Characteristics of Business
3.B. Features of different forms of Public Enterprises
3.C. Critically examine the changing role of the public sector
3.D. Explain the features of global enterprises

3.E. Appreciate the benefits of joint ventures

4.A. Concept Of Social Responsibility
4.B. Need For Social Responsibility
4.C. Identify Social Responsibility Towards Different Interest Groups
4.D. Relationship Between Business And Environmental Protection
4.E. Concept Of Business Ethics and Elements Of Business Ethics

5.A. Meaning And Nature Of Small Business
5.B. Role Of Small Business In India
5.C. Analyse The Problems Of Small Business
5.D. Different Forms To Small Business, Rural And Hilly Areas

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CBSE-Grade 11 Economic Syllabus

CBSE syllabus always maintains a standard, If a student has trouble understanding a topic related to Economic, the student can go through questions and answers related to each topic covered in Class 11 Economic.

Some of the topics Covered include :


    1. Indian Economy On The Eve Of Independence
    2. Indian Economy 1950-1990
    3. Liberalisation, Privatisation And Globalisation : An Appraisa
    4. Poverty
    5. Human Capital Formation In India
    6. Rural Development
    7. Employment: Growth, Informalisation And Other Issues
    8. Infrastructure
    9. Environment And Sustainable Development
    10. Comparative Development Experiences Of India And Its Neighbours

1.A. Low Level Of Economic Development Under The Colonial Rule
1.B. Agricultural Sector
1.C. Industrial Sector
1.D. Foreign Trade

1.E. Demographic Condition

1.F. Occupational Structure

1.G. Infrastructure

2.A. The Goals Of Five Year Plans
2.B. Agriculture
2.C. Industry And Trade
2.D. Trade Policy: Import Substitution

3.A. Background
3.B. Liberalisation
3.C. Privatisation
3.D. Globalisation

3.E. Indian Economy During Reforms: An Assessment

4.A. Who Are The Poor
4.B. How Are Poor People Identified
4.C. The Number Of Poor In India
4.D. What Causes Poverty
4.E. Policies And Programmes Towards Poverty Alleviation

4.F. Poverty Alleviation Programmes—a Critical Assessment

5.A. What Is Human Capital?
5.B. Sources Of Human Capital
5.C. Human Capital And Human Development
5.D. State Of Human Capital Formation In India
5.E. Education Sector In India

5.F. Future Prospects

6.A. What Is Rural Development
6.B. Credit And Marketing In Rural Areas
6.C. Agricultural Market System
6.D. Diversification Into Productive Activities
6.E. Sustainable Development And Organic Farming

7.A. Workers And Employment
7.B. Participation Of People In Employment
7.C. Self-employed And Hired Workers

7.D. Employment In Firms, Factories And Offices

7.E. Growth And Changing Structure Of Employment

7.F. Informalisation Of Indian Workforce

7.G. Unemployment

7.H. Government And Employment Generation

8.A. What Is Infrastructure
8.B. Relevance Of Infrastructure
8.C. The State Of Infrastructure In India
8.D. Energy
8.E. Health
9.A. Environment — Definition And Functions
9.B. State Of India’s Environment
9.C. Sustainable Development

9.D. Strategies For Sustainable Development

9.A. Developmental Path — A Snapshot View
9.B. Demographic Indicators
9.C. Gross Domestic Product And Sectors

9.D. Indicators Of Human Development

9.E. Development Strategies — An Appraisal